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TCD Jager (2008-2022)

Founding Dog, Comfort Dog

Jager was adopted from a shelter in Washington state as my original SAR prospect.  I started him on HITT and as a true coonhound style he excelled at the challenge and let everyone know he was enjoying it too.

In 2011 we moved to Texas and became a military family, experiencing our 1st deployment ceremony in 2012.  Yep, I took Jager with us to my husband's deployment ceremony to be my rock and support me.  Jager ended up supporting many families that Saturday and our org was born.

He was my steadfast boy for funerals and memorials supporting our Hero Families.  He had a quiet calming way about him.  Very respectful, Jager would stand next to families, waiting for a hand to slide down his sweet face and he listen intently to every word they shared about their loved ones.  He was truly a gift. He taught me to be the handler and trainer I am today.

American Kennel Club Title - Canine Good Citizen

Pet Partners registered with Complex (highest) rating since 2015

Retired 2021

Crossed the rainbow bridge 2022.

TCD Jager (2008-2022)
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